2023 – Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)

Once again, we are proud to report that last year, as in years past, your tap water met all U.S. EPA and State drinking water health standards. We, at PureSource Water, Inc. (hereinafter “PureSource”) vigilantly safeguard our water supplies so we can provide safe, clean, drinking water to you, our Customers. The Consumer Confidence Report is a document prepared to summarize the results of drinking water testing that PureSource has performed in order to provide safe drinking water to our community. It also includes explanations and information about the regulations that Community Water Systems, such as PureSource, are required to comply with. The attached CCR covers the previous calendar year (January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023); however, not all water quality tests are required to be performed every year. If a test was not required during the previous year, we report the most recent water quality monitoring data, which may be from prior years.

PureSource tests for many more constituents than are shown on the attached list. Those constituents that were not detected in our water are not included in the report. Also, please note that items included in the list are not necessarily harmful or unusual but are still required to be tested for and reported.
See Report: 2023 Consumer Confidence Report